Wednesday, December 24, 2014

X-mas 2014

Hang out the stockings,
Pray to the lord,
Let Santa shower
His magic on all

Let the fun and frolic
Celebrations and treats
Fill the space under the Christmas tree

May your stockings be filled
On the morrow
May your chimney way have a big enough hollow
For Santa to enter and exit
In a jiffy
He isn't going to forget you, is he!

May the carols pave way
For a better new year
May the merriness make
The eve endeared

To all in here I say this much
Wish you all a merry Christmas!!

Sunday, December 7, 2014

Losing sleep

I never thought I would lose my sleep
But all these thoughts I cannot keep,
Inside, my head there's a thunderstorm,
That rains on hope and thoughts warm.

Craving for a little piece of sunshine,
As darkness envelops my delirious mind
A ray of hope, a symbol or sign
Maybe only intervention divine

Can save me now, for the bugle's sounded
The chip on my shoulder, is fairly astounded
through this wringer I must go again,
A war of rules, clash of minds restrained

A fairly average game to lose,
I so did not want my life confused,
Where is that star I used to see,
Alas the sky is growing weak,

I look across the horizons spread
The stars they fade, there's the sun instead
How long have I been gazing by
And searched in the wrong part of the sky

How long have I been pushing the bend,
The dead end I didn't think to mend
My ways, I missed the turn somewhere,
Looking back and the darkness glares

Destiny they say are made by choices,
When silence get replaced by voices,
The decision now has to be made,
To stare the wall, or gaze the ray

Of sunlight that marks my new way
Maybe this will take me away
From the dread, that's filled up to the seams
Maybe one night will help me sleep

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Invisible chain

Twisting and turning
With my thoughts unsettled
Like a very hot fire
Under a burning kettle

These ideas, they stew, they boil and they cook
At the end of my wits, everywhere I've looked

A way is what I need right now, one desperate move
Or it will be checkmate again guessing nothing new

I refuse to go down without a fight
Most certainly I refuse to go down
I may hide, find ways to bide my time
Soul searching, this soul is well bestowed

At times I falter, I fall down
Get bogged by invisible chains
These chains that tie my thoughts and heart,
my hands and legs and brain

They seem impossible to be unshackled
How can I begin to try?
Among the ridicule and cruel heckle
It makes me want to cry

It makes me want to give up
this fight, You, can have it all
All the mud slings gory
All the glory and awards

But something stirs inside
How can I let it be?
How can I let myself be trapped
With bitter memories?
How can something as trivial
As bitter conjectures
Shackle everything I know
Time for my deflector

These imaginary bonds
Shall be put to test
All Chinese whispers and whisperers
Shall be put to rest

And all the demons in my head
All of them will be slayed
They say it is a nightmare
Of dreams I'm not afraid

It's time to take a silent moment
With conviction I must move
Not let this break my swagger
This moment I shall use

To rise above the clouds
My own standards be surpassed
Things need to be set right
In stone nothing's cast.

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

But the horse has to die

A dreary path and rustic breeze
To this I didn't agree
For speed and strength I'm sought
After all, I am that horse

The one who befriends the rider
And goes on without a sigh
Even when the sands are wider
Than what seems, the sky

I push my limits ahead
No complains, no pit stops
My friend my master forgets
Soon all shall be lost

Enter: the camel, made for dunes
My fellow, my counter part,
He groans and grieves and makes the halt, when he thinks he should stop

He goes on for days and nights for he's accepted and well rested
Now I struggle to take a step
My limits are well tested

A traitor, they say, as I drop
Drop down on my knees
What good a horse that knows not
Itself, if forgets to breathe

The rider's friend, companion
Shall now be bid goodbye
The rider will survive
But the horse has to die.

Sunday, November 16, 2014


I wish I could make some sense
Of things before they could start
I wish there was no difference
With matters of mind and heart

I wish they were united
The conquest for red and green
A shame when I decided
Only to one I must agree

Another way is required
This path has been long tread
But what has been desired
Is so lost inside my head

I try and try to recollect
What is that thing I'd thought?
Now I doubt my intellect
Good reason beyond a doubt

I recognize this one pattern
The cycles of night and day
Never do they take a wild turn
It's time to shut the drapes

Some things have got to change
Damned, if I knew what
Some things best remembered
And some just plain forgot.

Friday, October 24, 2014

The goodnight song

It's time to stop, time to breathe
Stop running, it's time to sleep
Ran hard as I could
Now catching my breath
It's time to stop
Watching my step

The bones then clutter
Slowly rumble
With pride I began
Then slowly humbled

It's time for this one
To rest and sleep
To turn into a lion
From being a sheep

The resilience comes
After the fall
Where one ends,
New chapters evolve

But now I close my eyes
And dream
Of stars and skies and
Happy things
And pray the lord
To give me sight
To wield my pen
And spread the light.

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

I wish i was better than this

I wish I was better
Better equipped and fast
I wish I was better
And can do things that last

Instead I'm left wandering
Wondering at the stars
Why do they seem to wink
And why are they so far?

Why could I not figure
What I'm supposed to do?
Instead I'm left trying
At something everyone is good

But where's my part written?
Why can I not read?
I'm trying hard to listen
But no one seems to speak

I wish I was stronger
To take on more of the blame
Some part of it was not my fault
But now it's all a shame

Wish I could see the stumbling blocks,
Before I fall on those
Wish I had seen a bit ahead
Instead of staring at my toes

I wish I could tell them
How I see through their lies
How I feel about their tears
And all their fake smiles

I wish I was better
At what my heart yearns
A skill that I'd enjoy
A skill that would earn

Keep your eyes and ear
Open wide, they said
You will learn a lot from that
I did, I'm afraid.

What you learn can shock you
It can make you wise
I choose to look elsewhere
And at things without disguise

The search will continue
A constant effort and will
A will to make a difference
An effort to build the skill.

Friday, September 12, 2014

Looking for the rainbow

Looking for that rainbow
Searching everyday
Need a little sunshine
Need a little rain

Sometimes the sun
Hides behind the clouds
Sometimes the sun
Dispels everything around

But the rainbow's formed
When they both meet
With a little bit of sunshine
A light drizzle greets

But there is a constant
Struggle for peace
One overlooks
The other oversees

Will I ever know?
Will it ever show?
Will the darkness be overcome with the right glow?

With the right balance
The colors come out
Yellow and grey give way
To the bright vibgyor

Looking at the wet sky
Seeing no sign
Waiting another day
Waiting another night

Saturday, July 26, 2014

When you're trying to be strong

This calmness gets on my nerves
Suddenly it is so quiet
Like something about to swerve
This feeling can't be right

The sun hides behind the clouds
The sky gives out a shout
Then cries from the heavens
Here they come, all the doubts

It was good while it lasted
Is it too good to be true?
You can have only what you think deserves to be with you

Suddenly everything's wrong
All my steps are a stumble
The smiles and grins disappear
Replaced with such grim mumbles

A cloud of anger around
A shadow of doubt you see
The tears I thought were lost
It all comes back to me

Being sure of what to do
Does this feeling even exist?
What is that thing that I keep doing and makes me a misfit?

I wish I could just see
A little farther down my path
If I could avoid obstruction
I could've avoided this aftermath

Giving up is not an option
But this fight can't seem to win
Drives me up the wall
Sometimes crawls under my skin

I'm still looking for the answer
Frantic is my search
Beating my hands and legs
Got to float before I submerge

The ride is just like the 'show'
Come what may, it goes on
Clinging to threads of hope
And trying to be strong

Sunday, July 6, 2014


There was this time
When I thought I could fly
There was this night
The seventh of July

The fire still burns
For the dreams of heart
Helps me drive
Gives me a start

So much to see and
so much to do
A lifetime too short
A lifetime with you

The other nods
Agrees this play
Shall last a while
shorter than we'd like

Indecisive confusion
Squanders my time
The most precious thing
At times called 'divine'

A song of dreams
Still on my lips
The feet will walk
On the morrow will eclipse
The patient wait shall see the light
Out of the shell, this one shall arise

Higher still, the soul shall fly
This promise made on seventh of july.

Thursday, July 3, 2014


Have you any idea
What is going wrong
Swirling among the things
I cannot stand strong

How do I choose between
So many things I like
Some I called my passion
It was a different life

Even something as monotonous as the daily run
Shows the splendid rains and so many suns

Every step inspired
Towards a thousand things
Spoilt for choices they say
No way for all to win

What is life without much to do
A thousand things today
A Thousand more so few

Sunday, January 19, 2014

The crumbling fool

A crack in the dawn
The silence so loud
There my eyes screaming
But my voice that shrouds

A part of me dreams
Defies destiny
Laughs on fate
Mocks heaven's gates

Then another part
The one I hate
Silences my vows
Deafens my pains
Shadows my light
Stifles my voice

I choke on words
Unsaid things don't hurt

Fulfill I must the confound luck
The mirror stares and asks where am I stuck?

Where's that thing I used to see
A part now just a memory
Where re those eyes I long again
The borrowed time that sealed my fate
Where are those moments never seemed to last?
The signs I now place on my mast
Where is that child like laugh and play
That now lights up the memory lane

Why am I looking at the road gone by
The cliff ahead looks up the sky
& says why bother the fool will jump
I say not yet there's more to come
What now seems like a fall tonight
It is the jump I take to flight
I may have my head down tonight
That is because I'm looking down to fly