Sunday, April 24, 2011

Someday I'll fly

Unaware, I fly, the winds take me high
This horizon’s new, so is surreal sky
Transcend new boundaries, test new winds
Ignorance rests as I flutter my wings

Birds of a feather, lost in the weather
Not a clue about the rule or the sun
But the birds are tough and glad together
Can get the things they want, done.

My seeking is unique; distance, inevitable
I am what I need, taking chance is debatable
Gambled I have with caution and heart
Tangled in a mosaic of interests and scars

There’s no answer to the gaping questions
That havent been forgotten, but never been asked
I wonder about the petty confessions
And wander about abandoned paths

I’ll need some time to think this through
To swallow and stomach distasteful rue
These wings will get me strong again
I’ll master the pyrotechnics one day

‘cross the mountains, past the sky
I’ll fly right; zoom past over July
I’ll fly above the clouded gloom
Where the tears don’t fall; above the hues

My blood and tears will have earned the price
I’ll be at peace, when I close my eyes.

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