Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Uneasiness before the dawn

Undefined, unexplained
Why d' you always do this brain?
You don't think, you just feel
Can't figure it out, it's so insane

To not know why you're feeling down, downtrodden, walked upon
To cloud your space with all this hate, I think heart, that's your job

If heart and brain are one
As they say it should be
Will my heart be doing all
The thinking this evening?

I don't feel good, you're both crazy
Maybe it's just tiredness
Or maybe it will take some time
To sort through this wired mess

It's not right, is what I know
This knot this clog in my head
Stops me from thinking, sleeping, guess I'll pop a pill instead

That should help, just one more pill
And I just hope I'm in my bed
I overdozed, on placebos
The sugar got me writing next

Now it's time, for me to read
Oh good, this should work just fine
I saw them sheeps and count to three
And hope tomorrow's gon' be all right

Sunday, June 19, 2016

Be that rainbow!

When music lifts you at the end of day
The sky is overcast but you make hay
Elevated in this downtrodden world
When things don't come your way you learn
These moments of magic then paves the way
There seems to be no apparent change
The eyes when closed, the heart smiles
The melodies on which my life rides
The beat on which I walk again
The lyrics, everything I want to say
A silent acknowledgement of what I feel
How steady knowledge went from these streets
No more room for no complaints
No expectation, no pain, no gain
No highs to reach, no lows to fall
Only skies, to see and mine to call
Only time can be my friend and foe
Forget everything and start with hope
I reconcile the cranky child in me
So much more to learn and seek
Why bother with all the hopeless vain
Thoughts that bring me down again
Why not choose the exciting path
Where glory would be built to last
Why not see the sun in clouds
Why can't light be in darkness found
Why not hope to live some more
Why not smile and laugh from core
Why not sing and dance in mirth
Why not make this time worth?
Nothing lasts? That's a lie!
This moment lasted for a lifetime
So many lives yet to be lived
So many chances to be seized
So what if today it poured and rained
Shine! Be that rainbow and bless it came

Wednesday, January 13, 2016

At a loss for words

So much inside me
Beneath it stirs
But strangely I find me
At a loss for words

Sometimes silent
Like a saint
At times violent
Mighty rage
Comes out in different forms
And hurts
But I find myself at a loss for words

It has been too long
That I've written a prose
Started so many
Then my heart froze
Witty got pitiful, the city got cold
But I'm still at a loss for words

The feelings are lodged
In a heart chamber, locked
Trying out  all keys
Maybe I'll just knock
The letters approach the door then blur
Once again, at a loss for words

They used to be my lone strength
At will I would make egos bend
But now the eerie silence creeps
In their search I travel within, deep
Maybe someday they will again surge
But for now, I'm at a loss for words

I hope I crack this labyrinth
With some luck, maybe a shady hint
A crazy insight, a secret path
A steady journey and a bloody lint

We will meet soon, where words won't end
Where heart is empty and eyes don't lament
But till such time, a cost to be occurred
For I am, truly, at a loss for words.