Saturday, May 30, 2015

Walking on broken glass

Wavered faith and darkened past
Makes me walk on broken glass
It is by choice, it's how I voice
Some right actions for some wrong past

It all started with one wrong move
One lesson less learned in school
One path easy, one way hard
One called to me, other seemed far

I chose the familiar, saw known faces
It doesn't take time, time it erases
All the faith I seemingly had
Now, how much can I understand

Broken vows and forgotten pledge
Brings me closer to the edge
Just when I'm about to fall
I seem to have a good recall

The path now seems to fade away
T'was only one from which I swayed
The broken bottles on the way
Must walk back, with brittle pace,

The path untrodden may not be wrong
If only the little voice had been strong,
But now as all is said and done
The voice be heeded and things undone

A difficult tread back to the start,
But now I will not lose heart,
The demons shall be put to rest,
And the weight be lifted off my chest!

Saturday, May 16, 2015

The times at CHF - 2015

The time's in a maze
And sometimes I'm amazed
It gives me a taste, it says
Do you have what it takes

The days and nights
The stars never gazed
Not one idle moment here
Getting through, yet unscathed

The mind with it's branches
Spreading wide, unfazed
The sleeping in tranches
But the heart still the same

The ride, it's a start
Through the shining day
The shadows, disembarked
Hurriedly, making way

The call that has come
I've answered today
The knots all undone
Still some more have to pave

To the shore at long
Last, the ship has sailed
Steady, the forlorn mast,
It will soon get away

Back to the high seas,
The travelers, not the same
New roads to new discoveries
New friends having made.

Thursday, April 16, 2015

With you, my friend

Don't worry my friend,
For life sometimes
May seem to let you down

Don't worry my friend
For the wind may chime
A tune that makes you frown

The path descends
Ahead in time
Some hold your hand, too strong

But then instead
Of joy sublime
They may take back the crown

Fear not; tread
Slow, with open eyes
Your path unique as this song

Their choices lead
To leave your side
Some more may come along

It's true, my friend
I will not bide
My time with you; is long.

With you I spend
My hours, my life,
With you is where I belong

With you; in trend
Of falls and strides
With all cheek and tongue

The times won't bend
The bond and pride
We brave it all as one

The time will mend
For lost time
The frolic and the fun

Together we'll fend
Off the harsh tides
The battles shall be won

Don't worry my friend
I'm on your side
The ride has just begun!

Sunday, March 22, 2015


Soliloquy, in the middle of the street
It's a pity I see, a fiddle with no beat,
So little but fiery, a riddle called dream,
It's like adrenalin, I'm so driven to my feat

It's like God's been giving but I'm missing a piece
To the grand puzzle, here, often, fending hate speech
Of how it's bad how I've been tripping this key
How I'm never gonna make it and bitching this industry

I've had it with you all, y'all can go back to the time
When I killed the rhyme with my sly punchlines
But what happened thereafter  is this thing called life
Same old cat catching up with the same old mice
Wait, hold tight, cos this shit's 'bout to explode
It'll be alright, soon as this venom tears a hole

Searching for soul, nope, it cannot be found
Confounded? Hell yeah, but when I try to respond
All I get is a 'fuck you, die trying, begone!'
What's wrong? Why in the world were you Expecting a happy song?
The wringer will break,all alone this singer shall take
All his words to the grave
In a hearse singing away!
Trying to make a killing
Such ironies I face, today

Hate to say it, but this just
Doesn't make sense
The harder I try, the harder
I'm hated, they vent
They dispute but I fend
Off them haters I send
Packing off your little games
With a kick and dispelled
It's a full circle I'm trying to mend!

As written on 13-march-2015

Goodbye January 2015

Say goodbye to the month that passed
The days so long but the month didn't last
Twelve long ones with twelve hour days
Cannot imagine; I should probably make hay

"Make haste, make do, make all you can"
But I'm doing more than what's my day span
Somewhere along still missing the point
Something went wrong while flipping the coin

Before the second installment begins
A day to reflect; to think, not give in
A stop to the long train of thoughts, until
Mopped up what's bled, coagulate and heal.

This tiny spark by irreplaceable spark
Shall pave the way for the fire in dark
Life's a never ending transition phase
But for now I rest my eyes and case!

As written on 01-feb-2015