Tuesday, June 21, 2011


Newborn in the storm,
Newborn not so strong
These gales and lightening scare and scar
Here do I belong?

The ideas are shunned away
Taboo they are dubbed
Pushed out of the nest
Ask ‘em and they get snubbed

The fire in the eyes don't seem will last,
Nor will the trust or desire,
Sapped is energy, I'm still running
Goals are beyond apparent reach and I'm tired

Pushed from all the sides,
Includes my heart and mind
Half-heartednes, mediocrity
For this am I destined?

The second love of my life,
For this I struggle and strive
My first love, beginning to fade
Achieving it seems so naive

The spark it does exist
Can vouch for eternal glow
The life that flows inside me
Is powered by beat and hope

Destiny! Is it written already?
Or do I get to make?
Or what I do is meant to be
With choice rests my fate?

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