Sunday, March 22, 2015


Soliloquy, in the middle of the street
It's a pity I see, a fiddle with no beat,
So little but fiery, a riddle called dream,
It's like adrenalin, I'm so driven to my feat

It's like God's been giving but I'm missing a piece
To the grand puzzle, here, often, fending hate speech
Of how it's bad how I've been tripping this key
How I'm never gonna make it and bitching this industry

I've had it with you all, y'all can go back to the time
When I killed the rhyme with my sly punchlines
But what happened thereafter  is this thing called life
Same old cat catching up with the same old mice
Wait, hold tight, cos this shit's 'bout to explode
It'll be alright, soon as this venom tears a hole

Searching for soul, nope, it cannot be found
Confounded? Hell yeah, but when I try to respond
All I get is a 'fuck you, die trying, begone!'
What's wrong? Why in the world were you Expecting a happy song?
The wringer will break,all alone this singer shall take
All his words to the grave
In a hearse singing away!
Trying to make a killing
Such ironies I face, today

Hate to say it, but this just
Doesn't make sense
The harder I try, the harder
I'm hated, they vent
They dispute but I fend
Off them haters I send
Packing off your little games
With a kick and dispelled
It's a full circle I'm trying to mend!

As written on 13-march-2015

Goodbye January 2015

Say goodbye to the month that passed
The days so long but the month didn't last
Twelve long ones with twelve hour days
Cannot imagine; I should probably make hay

"Make haste, make do, make all you can"
But I'm doing more than what's my day span
Somewhere along still missing the point
Something went wrong while flipping the coin

Before the second installment begins
A day to reflect; to think, not give in
A stop to the long train of thoughts, until
Mopped up what's bled, coagulate and heal.

This tiny spark by irreplaceable spark
Shall pave the way for the fire in dark
Life's a never ending transition phase
But for now I rest my eyes and case!

As written on 01-feb-2015