Saturday, April 7, 2012

One thousand Dreams

In this world of sensible people,
I'm just a fool for my dreams,
But little did you then understand,
The dream was you and me.

one of 1000 got shot down
That can't make me back down
It just singed my feathers a bit
Unbeknownst to me, I move on.

Ahead for greater experiences,
The one that will sway my way
The degrees with subtle nuances
And the knowledge that's here to stay

I run and I fly, in greater skies
I achieve; great things understood
Then why does the memory of dream number 1
Haunt me under the hood?

I ignore it and live happily after,
The forever lost somewhere
There feels a void that I can't avoid
In the lower quarters of my chest

How can my first dream of dreams
Of one thousand surpass the rest?
When the burden of one falls so heavily
The onus falls on the rest.

I ignore it once again, I tell myself,
All dreams are not meant to be
Be happy in what most would never dream
Make peace with destiny

Forward I move, clueless, astray
Hoping someday I’ll find my sun
That someday I might see the light
To the dream, my dream number one.